Upload File

Learn how to upload file directly to start the evaluation of your data.

Step 1 - Start the Data Upload file job

Navigate to the 'Sync Data' page on the left navigation bar in the Future Agi platform and select 'Connectors'. From there, select the 'Upload Data' to create a sync job.

Step 2 - Choose the csv file that you want to evaluate.

After successful test it will ask for next to update Model Configuration.

Step 3 - Enter model configuration.

Please provide the following details: the model name, the type of model, the environment in which it will be used, and the model version.

Step 4 - Mapping of the field of File.

To evaluate the model, we need to map essential fields such as conversation_id, timestamp, input, and output to the corresponding columns in your table. Additionally, optional fields like variables(extra information that you using under the templates), context(extra context information), and prompt_template (template using as a prompt) can also be mapped according to your requirements to aid in the evaluation of context and template. This mapping ensures we can retrieve the necessary data accurately.

Step 5 - Mentions the tags.

Additionally, we should mention the tags field for mapping during the model evaluation to ensure comprehensive data retrieval.

Step 6 - Start the job.

Once the final job details are confirmed, we can proceed to start the job.

From there, you will be taken to the 'Job Status' tab where you can see the status of your import jobs.

Upload file job will sync data from your file with Future Agi. You can view the job details and status progress by clicking on the job ID, which reveals more information about the job.

Step 7 - Delete An Import Job

To mark job deleted, click on 'Job Status'.

  • Delete after successful sync or before the sync job starts. You can mark this job as deleted if it is no longer needed.

Last updated