Google Bigquery FAQ

Here you will find a list of common questions regarding data warehouse jobs

How do I use timestamp column?

The timestamp field is used for Future Agi to track which new rows need to be imported as we constantly sync new data. This column type may be the following types: TIMESTAMP, DATE, or DATETIME. Unless your table is small, it is important for performance and cost to ensure this column is also partitioned, so we don't need to re-scan data. For best performance, values in the timestamp field should also be unique.

When adding new data, Future Agi will only ingest data β€œnewer” (based on timestamp column) than what's currently ingested.

Can I update or delete rows?

Deleted data in your data warehouse will not be reflected by Future Agi. Only records added/updated to your data warehouse table will be ingested.

How do I update/fix a row that failed to ingest?

If your query failed due to an issue with a specific row or set of rows, fix the error and append the data to your table again using an updated timestamp.

How do I debug my failed BigQuery table query?

Any queries that fail to run for a given table import job will be displayed within the job's details.

Last updated